Tips For The Elderly In The Summer Heat

Rising temperatures and the start of summer mean that we all need to be extra cautious for our elderly friends and relatives. The summer is a time of increased risk for dehydration. Whether you are taking care of your loved one full-time, or intermittently, there’s a few tips that our staff would like to share in order to keep up the health and wellness of the seniors in our lives.

Keep Them Hydrated

It’s important that we offer water and other beverages to seniors often, especially in the warmer temperatures. Many times, patients won’t think to drink water on their own because they may not feel thirsty, or have convenient access to a water supply. It’s important to provide that easy access to drinks, and give seniors plenty of opportunities to drink water. Avoid too much sugar in drinks like soda and juices. Caffeinated beverages will also cause further dehydration and should be consumed in moderation.

Dress For The Occasion

If seniors will be outdoors, make sure that they are dressed appropriately. Keep the sun out of their face with hats, and be sure that clothing is lightweight and loose fitting. Sunglasses and sunscreen should also be worn for skin and eye protection.

Know The Signs Of Heat Related Health Problems

Certain medications and health conditions can be aggravated by heat. Make sure you have an understanding of these medications and conditions that come with warnings regarding heat. Don’t be afraid to get additional info from your loved one’s doctor on heat safety before the summer comes around.

The most important thing for summer safety and seniors is that they have some time to enjoy the season! Always There Home Care will be there to assist the senior citizens in your life who may need additional assistance throughout the summer months. Our staff is trained to not only be companions but advocates for a healthier, happier elderly population.